Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bicycle injured in hit-and-run incident

Late in the evening last Friday, April 18th a bicyclist riding in the bike lane along Wiley Canyon Road was approached slowly by two vehicles and then struck by one of the cars. The bicyclist was heading toward Tournament Road from the direction of Wiley Canyon Road when he heard yelling from one car to the other as they approached in parallel.

The victim then recalls the car nearest him, a late-model, white sedan, slowing and approaching him from behind- driving in the far right of the street and inside the marked bicycle lane. The victim reports that the motorist then accelerated quickly, striking he and the bicycle. The victim was propelled from the bicycle into the street and both motorists fled the scene. The victim recalls hearing laughter and yelling from the fleeing vehicles but could not discern any specific remarks from the drivers or passengers.

An ambulance and Sheriff's deputies responded on scene and the victim was treated for minor lacerations and abrasions at Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital. The bike, a customized road bicycle was destroyed- the back wheel tearing in two from the force of the collision.

Sheriff's Deputies contacted the victim at Henry Mayo hours later to explain that there would be little use in filing a report- the victim was unable to accurately describe the makes or models of the vehicles. After insisting that a report be taken, family members of the victim were able to garner a Deputy to the hospital to formalize a written report of the events.

As of yet, no information concerning the investigation has been made public. Complaints from friends and local residents have been made to Santa Clarita City Council members and Mayor Bob Kellar. The victim is now healing from his home.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ferry: 'I may have broken law'

The Signal's had a hot month (and its only March!) They hit another one out of the park with a follow-up piece this week concerning Frank Ferry's possibly illegal use of his campaign funds on behalf of Laurie Ender. Which begs the question: Frank, can't you stay out of trouble and leave the illegal campaign finance work to Bob Kellar?

"Santa Clarita City Councilman Frank Ferry reported to the state this week that he may have violated state law by using his campaign funds to pay for mailers supporting Mayor Bob Kellar and Parks and Recreation Commissioner Laurie Ender.

Ferry said Friday he had been unaware of the state law that prohibits candidates, including all office holders, to make an independent expenditure through their controlled committee to support or oppose another candidate..." - K. Geyer (The Signal)

Read The Signal's full story here.

Laurie Ender donates to pro-Las Lomas politician

After a bit of confusion, and a scuffle with the now-you-see-it-now-you-don't system of online publishing at KHTS, it seems the following story has made it down the pipeline:

"Santa Clarita City Council hopeful Laurie Ender was one of several local movers and shakers who donated to Los Angeles City Councilman Richar Alarcon's election efforts in March 2007, despite her professed opposition to Las Lomas.

Alarcon has been a vocal proponent of the mega-project and, at the time of the donation, was working to stop the expansion of the Providence Holy Cross Hospital in Mission Hills, which serves a significant number of patients from the Santa Clarita Valley. Ender's donation of $100 was made during a fund-raising luncheon held in Santa Clarita where the Los Angeles councilman promoted the recently defeated mega-development as a way to increase jobs in the area. A listing from the Los Angeles City Ethics Commission also lists a $500 donation to Alarcon from "Frank Ferry Committee." Ferry, who currently serves as Mayor Pro Tem of Santa Clarita, is the principal of Alemany High School, which is located within Alarcon's district. Attempts to reach Ender for comment were unsuccessful."

Ms. Ender, which side are you on?

(Weird .pdf letter here.)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Trautman recognized in Las Lomas defeat

City Council candidate, Diane Trautman, received accolades this week for her role in defeating the Las Lomas development project that attracted nearly universal opposition from Santa Clarita Valley residents. 
Trautman,  as a member of the Santa Clarita Planning Commission, attended the proceedings that decided the fate of the project in downtown Los Angeles this week, and said that it was, "important to be present and testify personally to show public opposition to this project." Trautman has been recognized as a local leader on the Las Lomas issue- her role in the defeat of the project prompted interviews from local ABC 7 news and the Los Angeles Times.

Read Trautman's comments to the Los Angeles Times here.

Vandalized signs reflect growing criticism

Citizens of the city of Santa Clarita have probably seen quite a few signs for City Council candidates in the past few weeks but some have begun noticing signs, such as these, which have been defaced.

These signs, some of which are pictured here
 (thanks to an email submission), might reflect the growing criticism for certain candidates. Opponents of Laurie Ender's questionable campaign tactics and Bob Kellar's now infamous finance omissions have been vocal leading up to Election Day. 

Additionally, there has reportedly been a high incidence of stolen signs for candidate Diane Trautman- one volunteer for her campaign placing 40 and finding only 18 remaining signs the following day. Whatever the motives behind these vandalized signs, they seem to reflect a profound discontent with certain candidates. Is political dissent and rebuttal coming in the form of stickers? We hope so.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Driver may have assaulted bicyclist

An altercation between a group of bicyclists and a motorist took place yesterday afternoon (3/20/08) in the city of Valencia. The series of exchanges between the motorist and the bicyclists began when the driver nearly clipped one of bicyclists witnesses said.

After an argument between that bicyclist and the driver (wherein the bicyclist spit on the hood of the driver's car) the events reached a climax when a second bicyclist crashed into the opened door of the then parked vehicle. It is unclear whether opening the driver-side door in front of the passing bicyclist was an intentional act on the part of the driver to harm the bicyclist. However, a subsequent argument between both parties ensued before Sheriff's Deputies arrived on scene. Eye-witness reports confirm that the victim was not involved in the exchanges with the driver prior to being struck by the opened door.

The bicyclist who crashed was reportedly unharmed in any serious manner but the bicycle involved in the accident was destroyed. Sheriff's officers responded and mediated a temporary resolution between the parties on the scene. This incident comes after a rash of reports concerning motorist aggression against bike traffic on Santa Clarita roadways.

Sergeant Darren Harris of the Santa Clarita Sheriff's Department was contacted regarding details of the official report from the scene but was unavailable for comment.

Santa Clarita '08 Election Update

Only 18 days remain until Election Day in the city of Santa Clarita's municipal election. On April 8, voters will elect two candidates, of five possible candidates, to two open City Council seats.

Bob Kellar, realtor, broker and Mayor of Santa Clarita, who is currently facing a state investigation for alleged violations of the campaign finance laws, is the only incumbent running in the race. Because only one incumbent is running, at least one new candidate will find a seat on the council of five this election cycle.

Diane Trautman, an educator and avid participant in city politics and planning has enjoyed an active and widespread grassroots campaign. Trautman made a nearly-successful bid for City Council in 2004, losing by a margin of 801 votes. Trautman has garnered four more years of planning commission experience since 2004 and recently received the Sierra Club's endorsement.

Voters in the Santa Clarita Valley have probably noticed plenty of signs for Maria Gutzeit another potential candidate for the City Council this Spring. Gutzeit has experience as an elected official and currently sits on the Newhall County Water District Board. Gutzeit supports consideration for 'day-labor' city ordinances.

Bob Spierer represents the law enforcement bid for an open City Council seat, boasting local law enforcement experience. A recent poll of SCV voters showed that Bob Spierer's popularity locally mirrored that of Bob Kellar's.

Laurie Ender has vocational experience as a Parks Commissioner and has the support of Howard P. 'Buck' McKeon- the so called 'Republican Godfather'. Ender has received widespread criticism for her inaccurate and ungenerous remarks about other candidates in the race. Ender has also been criticized for a promotional mailer sent this month by Frank Ferry, a current Council member, who may have illegally used his own campaign funds to promote 'Buck' McKeon's endorsement of Ender.