Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ferry: 'I may have broken law'

The Signal's had a hot month (and its only March!) They hit another one out of the park with a follow-up piece this week concerning Frank Ferry's possibly illegal use of his campaign funds on behalf of Laurie Ender. Which begs the question: Frank, can't you stay out of trouble and leave the illegal campaign finance work to Bob Kellar?

"Santa Clarita City Councilman Frank Ferry reported to the state this week that he may have violated state law by using his campaign funds to pay for mailers supporting Mayor Bob Kellar and Parks and Recreation Commissioner Laurie Ender.

Ferry said Friday he had been unaware of the state law that prohibits candidates, including all office holders, to make an independent expenditure through their controlled committee to support or oppose another candidate..." - K. Geyer (The Signal)

Read The Signal's full story here.

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