Friday, March 21, 2008

Driver may have assaulted bicyclist

An altercation between a group of bicyclists and a motorist took place yesterday afternoon (3/20/08) in the city of Valencia. The series of exchanges between the motorist and the bicyclists began when the driver nearly clipped one of bicyclists witnesses said.

After an argument between that bicyclist and the driver (wherein the bicyclist spit on the hood of the driver's car) the events reached a climax when a second bicyclist crashed into the opened door of the then parked vehicle. It is unclear whether opening the driver-side door in front of the passing bicyclist was an intentional act on the part of the driver to harm the bicyclist. However, a subsequent argument between both parties ensued before Sheriff's Deputies arrived on scene. Eye-witness reports confirm that the victim was not involved in the exchanges with the driver prior to being struck by the opened door.

The bicyclist who crashed was reportedly unharmed in any serious manner but the bicycle involved in the accident was destroyed. Sheriff's officers responded and mediated a temporary resolution between the parties on the scene. This incident comes after a rash of reports concerning motorist aggression against bike traffic on Santa Clarita roadways.

Sergeant Darren Harris of the Santa Clarita Sheriff's Department was contacted regarding details of the official report from the scene but was unavailable for comment.

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